Monday, March 23, 2015

It saddens me to make this post today. The cause of my consternation is that if all the claims I put forth are true, then we as SOS have diverged so far from our founder’s dream and vision; that we should find ourselves a different name. A quote that comes to mind is:

 "Men, like nails, lose their usefulness when they lose direction and begin to bend."
Walter Savage Landor

Are we as an organization losing our usefulness? 

The SOS vision states that, “Every child belongs to a family and grows with love, respect and security.” Sounds simple yes, but it seems the people on the ground have become increasingly confused by its meaning. One thing we need to keep in mind is that as an organization, we are major contributors in the creation of policies related to children so we cannot preach what we do not practice. Our organization should be at the forefront in the fight for children’s basic rights. We should not be the perpetrators of abuse of the children directly through our employees, or indirectly through our policies.

Rampant misappropriation of funds
Food is one of the basic rights that we as an organization have the ability to protect, and should be protecting. Unfortunately, this is one of the areas we are failing miserably. Funds for food are received two week into the month; and in some cases three weeks into the month. Apart from food being a basic right, shouldn't we have in place a mechanism for disbursing funds with minimal cash handling to deter mismanagement of funds?  If an item was on the budget to begin with, why is the money being diverted, or withheld? Is it a policy for our organization to replace funds for food with donations? If this is the case who decides on the monetary value on the donation and what is done with the diverted funds?

Sexual Abuse
Given the nature of our business, we should have zero tolerance on sexual abuse. We need to be non-negotiable in cases involving sexual abuse because our vision expects us to provide security to the children. The major reason to have such a policy is because there is a huge potential for “Quid pro Quo”harassment, that is sexual favors in exchange for benefits. We have seen cases of administrators who had sex relations with all and sundry, youth and mothers included.  Such a situation is highly unethical and a health hazard; in some courts such an individual can be charged with felonious assault, especially if a disease was spread in the act.

Conflict of interest
It is wrong for our employees to use SOS as the main market for their business activities, especially so, if they happen to be the same party directly involved in the sourcing of the services. For example, a PR manager sourcing services from their own PR firm. Need I say more?

Is it true that our hiring process is hacked? If this is so, the solution is as simple as getting a new firm to do the job. From a management point of view, this is one of the reasons for low quality output, entitlement and corruption. Our processes as an organization should have enough flexibility to allow for such a change without interruption to our daily business.
Talking about our hiring process, I would wish to see the day when our National Directors present their mission for the organization upon their assumption of office. This mission should be hung up in a central place in all the projects and at the end of their term be evaluated based on it before rehire. This will encourage transparency and accountability.

In conclusion, as an organization we need to go back to the basics of our mission in child care. We need systems of accountability to be put in place at all levels of our organization. We need red tape reduced for processes that are crucial in the running of our organization. We need ethical administrators to implement our vision and all the project players need to be on the same page with regards to our goals and mission. 

Let’s all strive to remember to maintain our usefulness.


Marcuz said...

Hello there articulate writer. Interesting insights I must say. A very well written and thought out piece. So, as interested players in these matters, how do we make our contributions? How do we express our disgust at the rot that is our former home? What forums do we have to promote change, have a say and ensure that the SOS projects/homes and institutions are properly managed, well run without all the personal interests, corruption and greed? Thanks for a job well done!!

sobga_times said...

We need to exhaust all the channels open to us. We first need to revive SOBGA so that we can organize as an entity and not as individuals. This is important for our own protection, to stop any targeted harassment. Another channel we can use is social media, for more reach.

Anonymous said...

Well said, the only solution to the situation at National Office, is if they had an element of good will, we have youth working hard to get out of slums and poverty, which can easily be reduced if we took holistic approach. We've been hiding the rot under the carpet and now we have an ant hill. Food denial, the most humiliating to mankind as mother Teresa quoted "to some people, Jesus can only come in form of bread". you can not preach to a hungry person.

sobga_times said...

It is a good idea to come up with different solutions so we can find a way to resolve our problems. Our greatest strength stands in our numbers. Population intensive solutions can work for us, we need to give each other hope and reach out whenever possible. Any suggestions on how we can teach each other to 'fish' will be highly appreciated.

Unknown said...

Hi there thanks for showing concern that we are heard from every corner! first i think you should explain what SOBGA means so for the few to get the picture! wonderful job you are doing!

sobga_times said...

Thanks Kush, we all do what we can for our home. I will explain SOBGA in my next post.