Sunday, April 09, 2006


When I started this blog, I mentioned that we will be dealing with issues that affect our community. One of the comments posted had a disturbing ring to it, part of it reads as follows;

“…the other day I was working on a certain paper and the truth is I felt ashamed to be an SOS person, why some dude is trying to prove that institutional care- the SOS model is an enslaver to devt and for real... the interviews done in Ethiopia, Namibia and Rwanda proved their claim.... but how come????? some get this far? …” - anonymous

My first reaction was, hey, we have enough people out there who can write their own papers to disprove that. On second thought, I feel that we should look deeper into the claims and by doing so, check if this was a truly constructive criticism, or just malicious ideas being put out by someone who has beef (problems) with the institution as a whole. I cannot comment further on the topic for now since I am yet to see the purported paper, and because I also believe in giving everyone a benefit of their doubt.

Remember the desiderata; "and listen to others, even to the dull and the ignorant, they too have their story". All I can ask is, could the anonymous person who made the comment send in maybe a link, a copy of the report, or any reference to the media used so that we can continue on this topic without necessarily brushing the person off if they have a valid point to make. If we cannot get this report I promise we will revisit the topic with the assumption of what he was trying to talk about.

Today’s challenge:
Read the
desiderata this week and reflect on how you can apply it in life.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What happened to the discussion? come on guys, spread the word around. I love the idea behind the blog, but i guess we have to support it by commenting on the issues of the day.

Waiting for another jewel from Sobga.
i'm out.