Friday, April 21, 2006

My Take

I apologize for the long absence, I was on vacation and now that I am back at my desk, I hope to keep the discussions flowing.

First I would like to reply to some of the comments some of you sent. My argument on education seems to be generating a lot of interest so I will revisit it again.

We come to SOS and try and make the best we can out of the opportunity. As we are all aware, we do not stand to inherit any land, and even one of our youth leaders keeps reminding us, “SOS hakuna shamba”(SOS has no land), what he was trying to say was, we stand no chance of inherit any part of land that SOS stands on. What we get out of SOS we carry in out hearts and minds. We get the familial love and we also gain a chance for a better life. Education falls within the range of things we can carry in our minds. A large majority of our community members will try and look for employment at one time or another, and this is where the education level matters. The more educated you are, the better the chance of a better job and with the current unemployment level, this may not even be a guarantee for a job. The education argument was taken further in other posts and we saw how we can define education differently. In today’s world, we can also see education in the street-wise sense, one’s survival capability in the real world.

I appreciate SOS as an institution that is dedicated to quality service to its beneficiaries. Its approach at attempting to get constructive feedback from former SOS children is not only genuine, but also displays concern on their part. Please see the tracking footprints report and tell me what you think. There is a lot of positive stuff being done out there. SOS is accepting that not all the products have been positive, but they are dedicated to making improvement on situations within their power i.e. the children who are still in the projects.

I would like to believe that the SOS organization is growing and positively at that. Like any other community, adversity challenges us to improve ourselves and we do not allow any problems to hold us back. Of course we take long to change, remember this is a social setting so changes are not effected rapidly in all cases which to some may be too slow. But isn’t life like that? You can’t please every body.

Thought of the day
Think of a new way to improve the work of SOS today. Remember, we are a community and each one of us plays a role in the development of our community. Take responsibility today.